Tis the season to be scam savvy
Tis the season to be scam savvy

At Christmas, it's easy to get distracted as you focus on buying presents for family and friends. With so much going on, it is a prime opportunity for scammers. Last year, the PSNI received 5,412 reports of scam-related crimes resulting in monetary losses of over £23m. Please report all suspicious scam activity to protect you and your family.
Scams are constantly evolving. They are usually committed from a distance. They may occur through a phone call, email, text or even social media message - but their purpose is generally always the same, to try and worry, or pressure you, to the extent that you give them personal and financial details.
For many victims, the consequences of scams, especially those that run into bigger sums of money, can be life changing.
The best way to stop a scammer is to:
Stop. Check. Report.
If you've been a victim of a scam please:
- Report it to the PSNI at: www.psni.police.uk/report or call 101.
- Contact your bank immediately and report online at www.actionfraud.police.uk or call 0300 123 2040. You can also forward texts to 7726.