Mayor's welcome
Mayor's welcome

It feels like autumn is very quickly turning to winter, the time of year when we start to think about Christmas and all of the excitement that can bring. With that in mind, I am delighted to bring you the latest digital edition of CityWide, which focuses mainly on the festive season and all of the spectacular events for families and children across Lisburn and Castlereagh.
You will find all of the details you need to plan a jam-packed, fun-filled Christmas with the return of the renowned Lisburn Light Festival, the Light Trail at Castle Gardens, Christmas Markets and don’t forget to mark 21st November in your calendar for the Big Christmas Lights Switch On! For all the details check out our Christmas programme.
Many people can struggle more at Christmas than any other time of year as the stresses and strains of everyday life can feel significantly harder. My message to anyone who feels this way is to reach out for help. I know it’s not easy, but there are people who want to support you.
Emerge Counselling Services is a local charity which provides immediate and effective counselling, befriending and training from their hub in Lisburn.
The hub is open to anyone having feelings of despair and you can find out how to contact Emerge, what they do and how they can help you.
As my Mayoral charity for the year, I will be working closely with Emerge as we continue to raise awareness of mental health conditions and much needed funding to enable them to keep delivering essential services for local people.
As I approach the halfway mark in my year as Mayor, I reflect on the last six months with pride. I have had the opportunity to meet with so many wonderful people. It has been a privilege to visit local businesses and community facilities to see the fantastic work that goes on in our communities.
I’ve hosted receptions for groups such as Dreamscheme NI, Hillsborough Boys, Derriaghy CC FC, Age Friendly Forum, Happy Life Together NI, as well as Olympians, Paralympians, and coaches from the Lisburn and Castlereagh area to celebrate their success at the recent Paris games.
Over the next six months I look forward to continuing to represent you as Mayor of Lisburn and Castlereagh and I hope to see many of you out and about across our communities.
I welcome every opportunity to visit local facilities so if you would like me to attend any of your events please email my office at
On behalf of everyone at Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, I wish you a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year.
The Right Worshipful the Mayor,
Councillor Kurtis Dickson