Emergency Numbers
Emergency Numbers

Animal Health and Welfare (DAERA)
0300 200 7840
DFI Roads Street lighting, grit boxes, potholes, tree-cutting on footpaths and road verges.
0300 200 7899
DFI Blue Badge scheme
0300 200 7818
Flooding Incident Line
0300 200 0100
Northern Ireland Electricity – power cuts
03457 643 643
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
0344 892 0900
Northern Ireland Water, Emptying septic tanks
0345 744 0088
Rates Office (Land & Property Services)
0300 200 7801
Rivers Agency
028 9260 6100
LCCC Emergency Number
028 9244 7300
Information to assist you in an emergency
Animal health and welfare
The responsibility of animal health and welfare is currently jointly managed by the Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA). Local councils are responsible for the welfare of domestic animals and would investigate complaints. DAERA is responsible for farm animals and the licensing of riding establishments, boarding kennels, pet shops and zoos.
To contact our Animal Welfare team please email: ehealth@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk
To contact DAERA please phone 0300 200 7840 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. At weekends please contact a local private veterinary practice or local police station who will, as necessary, refer the welfare complaint to the relevant DAERA “on call” officer.
Should you wish to read more please use this link
On the road
DfI Roads is responsible for public roads, footways, bridges, and street lights.
If you wish to report a flood please call the Flooding Incident line 0300 2000 100 (24 hours a day)
Alternatively please phone 0300 200 7899 (24 hours a day)
Our local DfI office is Eastern Division and their contact details are:
DfI Roads - Eastern Division, Annexe 7
Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Upper Newtownards Road
United Kingdom
Phone: 0300 200 7899
Email: dfiroads.eastern@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk
For more information on contacting 08 and 03 numbers please click here
Blue Badges
DfI is responsible for the Blue Badge scheme. This is an important service for people with severe mobility problems. It allows badge holders to park close to where they need to go.
The Blue Badge scheme offers on-street parking concessions for people with severe mobility problems. Benefits include free on-street parking in ‘pay and display’ bays.
Blue badges are eligible for three years.
The criteria you must meet to be granted a blue badge are:
- receive the higher rate of the mobility part of Disability Living Allowance
- receive eight points or more under the 'moving around activity' for the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) – you must give a copy of your statement of entitlement detailing the points awarded
- receive a War Pension Mobility Supplement
- receive a benefit under the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces Compensation Scheme within tariff levels one to eight (inclusive) and have been certified by the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA) as having a permanent impairment which causes inability to walk or a lot of difficulty walking
- are registered blind
- drive a vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms and are unable to use, or have a lot of difficulty using, all or some types of parking meter
- have a permanent disability which means you cannot walk or have a lot of difficulty walking - in this case your doctor may be asked to confirm your eligibility
- or if you have difficulty in planning and following a journey as it would cause overwhelming psychological distress and need the help of another or that you could be a danger to yourself or others – in this case a doctor may be asked to confirm your eligibility
Apply or renew your blue badge using this link
Power cut
It is important to be prepared in case you experience a black out. Please be prepared and know where to find a torch, candles and matches, a battery operated radio and ensure your mobile always had enough charge to last you a few hours.
Should your power go off please check your trip switches and look to see if your neighbours’ lights have also gone out. It would be usual to hear a few house alarms start to ring during a power cut.
If there is a power cut you can report it online using your mobile phone or laptop if it is charged at www.nienetworks.co.uk or phone 03457 643 643. You will need to confirm your address or the MPRN number which is unique to your property. Your MPRN can be found on your bill or online account.
You can watch a short YouTube video created by NIE Networks using this link
Housing Executive
If you live in a Northern Ireland Housing Executive property and have a concern about your home, local green space or your rent then please contact them directly.
Other useful contact information
NI Water
Please contact NI Water if you:
• are experiencing a water issue such as low pressure
• want to report a link
• want your septic tank emptied
You can contact NI Water by phoning the Waterline on 0345 744 0088 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Customers with hearing difficulties can use ‘Text Relay’ through Waterline 0345 744 0088.
You can also contact them via webchat, social media etc. Find out more on this link
Land & Property Services (LPS) collect, process and manage land and property information, which underpins the collection of rates, in support of the Executive's commitment to economic and social development in Northern Ireland.
Rates in Northern Ireland are made up of two parts. The regional rate (60%) and the district rate (40%).
The regional rate is set by central set by central government and used to fund services such as roads, schools and hospitals.
The district rate is set by us set and used to fund essential services such as bin collections, recycling and waste disposal, leisure services and parks maintenance.
You pay your annual rates bill directly to LPS and then they award the relevant percentage to us.
You can find out more on this link
Rivers Agency
The Department for Infrastructure has responsibility for reducing the risk to life and damage to property from flooding from rivers and the sea, undertaking watercourse and coastal flood management in a sustainable manner.
If you wish to find out more about flood maps, reservoirs etc. then please use this link