NI Climate Change Act (2022)
The Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 sets a target of an at least 100% reduction in net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 for Northern Ireland compared to the 1990 baseline, along with interim targets including at least 48% reduction in net GHG emissions by 2030. The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) must set updated 2030 and 2040 emissions reduction targets to ensure that they are in line with the 2050 net zero GHG emission target.
The Act also sets sectoral targets on Government Departments including 2030 targets of:
• Energy - at least 80% of electricity consumption from renewable sources,
• Waste Management - 70% of waste recycled, and
• Transport - a target for a minimum spend of 10% of overall transport budgets on active travel,
• Other Sectoral Plans include Agriculture, Industrial Process, Infrastructure and Fisheries.
Public Body Reporting
There is a legal requirement on all Northern Ireland Government Departments to exercise their functions (as far as is possible to do so) in a manner consistent with the achievement of the targets of the Act and the carbon budgets set under it.
The Act required DAERA to make new regulations which will set a requirement for specified public bodies to report on climate change.
These regulations known as The Climate Change (Reporting Bodies) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 specify that the first mitigation reports are due to be submitted to DAERA by 31st October 2025 and then every 3 years after. As a public body LCCC will be required to report to DAERA under these regulations.
Carbon Budgets
The Climate Change Act requires DAERA to make regulations that set Carbon Budgets for the ‘net Northern Ireland emissions account’ for each budgetary period. The first budgetary period is 2023-2027 and the subsequent budgetary periods will be every 5 years thereafter. The UK Climate Change Committee has provided advice on the Carbon Budget and DAERA is currently consulting on this advice with a view to setting the budget.
Climate Targets
In March 2023 the CCC published the ‘Advice Report; The Path to Net Zero Northern Ireland4.
“This report provides advice to Northern Ireland on its 2030 and 2040 interim targets and first three Carbon Budgets. The advised targets and Carbon Budgets are consistent with the decarbonisation required for Northern Ireland to meet its legislated 2050 Net Zero target.”
The CCC concluded, that targets consistent with the legislated Net Zero target for NI are:
• The first Carbon Budget (2023-2027) to be set at levels that have average annual reductions of 33% on 1990 levels
• The second Carbon Budget (2028-2032) to be set at levels that have average annual reductions of 48% on 1990 levels, and
• The third Carbon Budget (2033-2037) to be set at levels that have average annual reductions of 62% on 1990 levels
The Climate Change Act (NI) 2022 requires the Department (DAERA) to obtain advice and recommendations from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) amongst others.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
UK and NI emissions
In 2022 carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide collectively accounted for an estimated 98% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, with fluorinated gases making up the remaining 2%.
At that time, in Northern Ireland, 99% of GHGs were from carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide with a higher percentage attributed to methane here than in the rest of the UK.
Emissions across Northern Ireland have reduced by 26% since the 1990 baseline. In order to be on track to reach the targets set out in the NI Climate Change Act Northern Ireland needs to reduce a further 22% reduction in emissions in the next eight years.