Scheduled for Monday, 2 September 2024 at 10:00 AM

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Item number Item title Time
1 Apologies 00:02:10
2 Declarations of Interest 00:02:32
3 Minutes of Meeting of Planning Committee held on 5 August, 2024 00:04:27
4 Report from the Head of Planning & Capital Development 00:04:51
4.1 Schedule of Applications 00:04:56
4.1.1 Applications to be Determined 00:05:59
(i) LA05/2023/0914/F 00:07:07
(ii) LA05/2022/0033/F 00:19:22
(iii) LA05/2021/0789/F 00:21:50
4.2 Submission of an Application under Section 54 of the Planning Act (NI) 2011 to Vary Condition 8 of Planning Approval S/2014/0884/F to Allow Submission and Approval of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) on a Phased Basis...... 00:44:32
4.3 Site for New Cemetery including New Main Vehicular Access and Secondary Access, Parking and Associated Infrastructure Works on Lands Located circa 60m east of 10 Quarterlands Road, circa 80m west of 28 Quarterlands Road, circa 80m east of 27 Carnaghliss Road and circa 150m east of 29 Carnaghliss Road, Crumlin 00:46:30
4.4 Proposed Redevelopment of the Poole's SuperValu Site in Moira incorporating 1 Replacement Retail Unit and 3 Lettable Hot Food Units ..... 00:48:27
(iv) LA05/2023/0339/F 00:50:01
(v) LA05/2021/1181/O 01:08:35
4.5 Northern Ireland Annual Statistics - Annual Statistical Bulletin (April 2023 - March 2024) 01:18:26
4.6 Statutory Performance Indicators - July 2024 01:27:51
(vi) LA05/2023/0022/F 01:33:05
(vii) LA05/2022/0538/F 03:18:36
(viii) LA05/2022/0226/O 03:44:02
4.7 Council Validation Checklist Requirements 04:57:22
4.8 Notification by Telecommunication Operator(s) of Intention to Utilise Permitted Development Rights 04:58:37
4.9 Local Development Plan 2032 Quarterly Updatee 04:59:17
4.10 Enforcement Quarterly Update 05:02:19
5 Any Other Business
5.1 Date of Next Meeting 05:05:59