Scheduled for Monday, 5 August 2024 at 10:00 AM

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Item number Item title Time
1 Apologies 00:01:55
2 Declarations of Interest 00:02:25
3 Minutes of Meeting of Planning Committee held on 1 July, 2024 00:03:35
4 Report of the Head of Planning & Capital Development 00:03:56
4.1 Schedule of Applications 00:03:59
4.1.1 Applications to be Determined 00:04:42
(i) and (ii) LA05/2022/1005/F and LA05/2022/1006/F 00:06:02
(iii) LA05/2023/0953/F 00:28:20
(iv) LA05/2022/0079/F 00:47:37
(v) LA05/2022/0226/O 00:50:03
4.2 Housing Development Comprised of 121 Dwellings (all social housing) on Land to the Immediate West of 29 Enterprise Crescent, and to the Immediate East of Home Bargains, Ballinderry Road, Lisburn (PAN) 01:51:43
4.3 Non-compliance with Condition 1 of Appeal Decisions 2000/A277 and 2000/A278 to Create Two Units with Associated Elevational Changes at Unit 5 Drumkeen Retail Park, Upper Galwally, Belfast (PAN) 01:52:52
4.4 Statutory Performance Indicators - June 2024 01:54:45
4.5 Draft Procedure for Dealing with Section 76 Planning Agreements for Affordable Housing 01:57:54
4.6 Appeal Decision - LA05/2021/0069/O 02:05:06
4.7 Appeal Decision - LA05/2021/1178/F 02:06:38
4.8 Appeal Decision - LA05/2020/0971/F 02:09:52
4.9 Update to DAERA Website regarding Advice on its Consultation Procedure and the Use of Checklists 02:11:56
4.10 Letter from Natural Environment Division (NED) of DAERA Providing Update on Planning Consultations for Agricultural Development 02:13:23
4.11 NI Water Wastewater Capacity Update 02:15:18
4.12 Notification by Telecommunication Operator(s) of Intention to Utilise Permitted Development Rights 02:23:38
5 Any Other Business 02:27:04
5.1 Pre-Application Notice for Cemetery Site 02:27:12
5.2 Date of Next Meeting 02:30:28