More events, more engagement and more support at heart of new strategy
We have launched our Age Friendly Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2026, funded by the Public Health Agency (PHA). The new plan builds on our inaugural strategy which has been in place over the past four years.
The launch, which took place in Lagan Valley Island, was anchored by an Intergenerational Workshop which brought together a range of older residents and school children to take part in a creative workshop to help address the stigma and break down barriers of ageism. It is just one of a host of ongoing activities provided by the Council to encourage active ageing.
In 2017, LCCC was recognised as an Age Friendly City by The World Health Organization (WHO) which established a global network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities with the aim of encouraging active ageing by optimising opportunities for health, participation, and security.
Currently 18% of Lisburn & Castlereagh’s population is aged 65 and over and this is projected to increase to 25% by 2041. The new Age Friendly Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2026 has been developed in partnership with its older residents and likeminded local organisations and sets out the key actions to enable citizens and an ageing population continue to live an active and fulfilling life.
Mayor of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, Kurtis Dickson, said: “In 2017 the former Mayor signed a declaration committing to the Age Friendly process by joining the World Health Organisation’s Global Network of Age Friendly Cities and communities. Since then significant progress has been achieved towards being Age Friendly, including the creation of an Age Friendly Over 50s Forum, an Age Friendly Alliance made up of key stakeholders in the community, voluntary and statutory sector, as well as numerous events, workshops and activities taking place across our council area from tea dances, to exercise classes, walks, film screenings, talks and Winter Warmer roadshows. All these events work towards helping to support our citizens age well.”
Councillor Gretta Thompson, Age Friendly Champion at Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, said: “Older residents contribute significantly to their communities and are a valuable asset to society at large. As Age Friendly Champion I work hard to ensure older people continue to be a priority in the Council’s work and plans, while ensuring that people aged 50+ are at the heart of decision-making processes around the commissioning, planning and delivery of services for older people. This new plan demonstrates Lisburn & Castlereagh’s ambition as an Age Friendly City to provide a place to live and grow older. I look forward to delivering a bolstered series of events in the coming months and years.”
LCCC completed an Age Friendly survey directly engaging with people who are 50+, which returned over 400 responses and was the first survey to target the 50+ population. The survey confirmed the age-friendliness of the council area. Following a community workshop with members of the Age Friendly Over 50s Forum and local residents Lisburn & Castlereagh Council developed the new three-year action plan which was subsequently endorsed by the Age Friendly Alliance and Age Friendly Over 50s Forum.
Chair of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council’s Communities and Wellbeing Committee, Councillor Jonathan Craig, said: “I welcome this three-year plan which is being rolled out by our council and thank everyone who worked so hard to pull it together. As our population gets older it is essential that we plan for this, work out as a society how to manage it and put the correct supports in place to ensure that everyone can life live to the fullest.”
Aidan Jennings, Chief Fire Officer, Chair of the Strategic Community Planning Partnership said:
“As Chair of the Strategic Community Planning Partnership, I welcome the new Age Friendly Strategy and action plan. Age Friendly is a direct action from the Community Plan under theme three: Health & Wellbeing The project is funded by the PHA and is a framework endorsed by the World Health Organisation. I look forward to the range of actions being delivered upon and making an impact to older residents in Lisburn & Castlereagh. The over 65 age group are the only age group to have increased since the last census in 2011. With this in mind it is important we are planning ahead for an increase in the older demographics to ensure Lisburn & Castlereagh is an Age Friendly place to live”
The progress of the Age Friendly Action Plan is reported to the Lisburn & Castlereagh Strategic Community Planning Partnership as an integral action in the Community Plan Action Plan, under Theme 3: Health & Wellbeing.
The action plan has 4 key themes:
1. Community Projects & Services
2. Communication & Information
3. Where We Live & How We Get Around
4. Staying Involved
To read the full plan visit Interested parties who are interested in joining the Age Friendly Forum, please contact or Gareth McCausland on 07880-054840.