Do you ever buy big packs of fruit and veg and then end up throwing some of the pack away? If you do, then you’re not alone. Every year in the UK we throw away 1.7 million tonnes of fruit and veg. We buy too much and then don’t get around to eating it in time. Isn’t that ridiculous?
Research has shown that if all apples, bananas and potatoes were sold loose, 8.2 million shopping baskets worth of food waste could be prevented every year. And that’s simply because when fruit and veg is sold loose, you can buy the amount that you need and can use.
Buying your fruit and veg loose also means that you can choose the quality that you prefer too – a slightly greener banana, one rosy, red apple or the perfect potatoes for jackets!
So, why not give it a try? Buy Loose, Waste Less.
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Buy Loose, Waste Less
All week we will be encouraging you to buy your fruit and vegetables loose, instead of packaged, to waste less and save money.