

We are responsible for developing a Local Development Plan (LDP) for the Lisburn Castlereagh area, working with local people, to create a clear vision of how the council area should develop and what it will look like in the years to come.

On the 30th March 2017 we launched our Local Development Plan Preferred Options Paper (POP) and this marked the commencement of the eight week consultation period which closed on 25th May 2017.

Preferred Options Paper (POP)

We prepared a Preferred Options Paper (POP) as part of the local development plan process in accordance with regulations.

It is intended to promote debate on issues of strategic significance which are likely to influence the preparation of our new local development plan. It is also a key opportunity for the public to shape the future plan.

The POP was a consultation paper intended to promote debate in relation to key strategic planning issues which will influence the preparation of our new Local Development Plan. It provided the vision, strategic objectives, key issues and a range of possible options on how we will deliver new development and planned growth for our area. Our preferred options are indicated in the POP together with relevant justification.

The POP was published along with a number of other key supporting documents. They were subjected to an 8 week public consultation period. These documents include a Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment), a Sustainability Scoping Report and an Equality Impact Assessment.


View the Preferred Options Paper (POP) (PDF - 27MB)

View the Appendices (PDF - 14MB)

View the POP Summary Document (PDF-3.5MB)

Sustainability Appraisal

A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) is a process that is undertaken during the preparation of the Local Development Plan.

It promotes sustainable development by assessing the extent to which the emerging plan will help to achieve the environmental, economic and social objectives.

A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is to ensure a high level protection of the environment and to integrate environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans.

Together, these processes will ensure the options outlined in the Preferred Options Paper (POP) are the most appropriate and sustainable, having regard to the reasonable alternatives.


View the Sustainability Appraisal – Scoping Report (PDF - 6MB)

View the Sustainability Appraisal – Interim Report (PDF - 4MB)

Preferred Options Paper consultation report

This provides an overview of the main findings of the public consultation exercise on our LDP Preferred Options Paper. 

It was prepared following a detailed assessment of the comments received to the public consultation.  It is structured so as to respond to each consultation question contained within the Preferred Options Paper and sets out for each question the main points received.

It is not intended to be a comprehensive report on every comment received, but rather a summary of the key issues raised in the responses. View the report on this link as a PDF.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the consultation exercise.

Timetable for Local Development Plan

Stage 1

Statement of Community Involvement – this sets out how we intend to engage with the local community during the preparation of our new LDP. 

Preferred Options Paper - the Preferred Options Paper (POP), published in March 2017 is a public consultation document which sets out the key plan issues for our area and the preferred options available to address them. A Public Consultation Report (published September 2017) containing an overview of the key issues raised during the public consultation period is available to view on this link.

Stage 2

Draft Plan Strategy - the draft Plan Strategy is a public consultation document which will give an indication of our intentions in relation to the future development of our area. 

Independent Examination - an Independent Examination will be held to determine the soundness  of the draft Planning Strategy, taking into account any representations or counter representations. Following the Independent Examination, an Advisory Report of its findings will be issued to central government. 

Binding Report – following consideration of the Advisory Report, central government will issue a Binding Report to us. We must incorporate any changes outlined in the Binding Report into the Plan Strategy. 

Adoption of Plan Strategy- following the Independent Examination, and direction from the central government, the Plan Strategy will be formally adopted by the council

Stage 3

Local Policies Plan - this is the final document comprising the LDP. The draft Local Polices Plan is a public consultation document and will contain our detailed land use proposals in relation to the future development of the council area. 

Independent Examination - this will be held to determine the soundness of the draft Local Policies Plan, taking into account any representations or counter representations. Following the Independent Examination, an Advisory Report of its findings will be issued to central government. 

Binding Report - following consideration of the Advisory Report, central government will issue a Binding Report to us. We must incorporate any changes outlined in the Binding Report into the Local Polices Plan. 

Adoption of Local Policies Plan - following the Independent Examination and direction from central government, the Local Polices Plan will formally adopted by us.

Stage 4

Monitoring & Review of LDP - The LDP will be reviewed every 5 years. 

You can view the most up-to-date timetable on this link (Word document)