Community involvement is an integral part of the planning process.
Following the introduction of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 we were required to publish a Statement of Community Involvement to show how people can become involved in the planning process.
The benefits of community involvement
Our approach to community involvement aims to provide:
- the opportunity to comment on proposals at an early stage
- increased opportunity to make representations on proposals
- fair, transparent and proportionate consultation appropriate to the scale of proposals
- access to clear and timely information with documents available in various formats where requested
You can view our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) as a PDF on this link. It was approved by the Department for Infrastructure on 14th January 2021.
The process for the SCI was:
- in April 2016 we published our first SCI
- it was revised on 6th November in relation to an extension of the formal consultation period for the Local Development Plan as a consequence of the consultation falling over a holiday period
- on 15th December 2020 it was further revised for the inclusion of a consultation on focussed changes to ensure that issues impacting upon the soundness of the draft Plan Strategy are addressed before submission to the Department for Infrastructure to cause an Independent Examination