If you sadly need to complete the registration of a stillborn baby this can be completed remotely by telephone.
Please note in some cases you may have to attend our office.
The doctor or hospital will forward a Medical Certificate of Cause of Stillborn electronically to the General Register Office for Northern Ireland (GRONI). They will forward to the registration office which covers the home address. The doctor who signed the medical certificate may have passed your contact details to us. If they have, we will contact you to organise the registration.
Any queries you may have please ring the registration office on 028 9244 7263 or speak to your funeral director who will advise.
Birth/death of a baby
For parents whose baby has sadly passed away shortly after birth, please ring us on 028 9244 7263 or email: bdm.registration@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk.
Our registration team will contact you to guide you through the process.
NI Direct has further information on registering a stillbirth.
Advice and support for the bereaved
NI Direct has details of organisations that can provide support after a bereavement.