

The Good Relations Grant Scheme 2024 will open for applications on Friday 6th September. A maximum grant of up to £2,000 is available for any one organisation to promote good relations between people of different religious and political beliefs and different racial groups. The grants will be awarded based on merit. 

The deadline to apply for funding is 12 noon on Monday 23rd September 2024.


For assistance, grant workshops will be held on two dates:

Wednesday 11th September at 7pmto 9pm in Bridge Community Centre, Lisburn
Tuesday 17th September at 7pm to 9pm in Ballyoran Community Centre, Dundonald


For more information, please contact or 028 9266 2496.

Objectives of the scheme

You must demonstrate how your project aligns with one or more of the key themes of The Executive Office’s 'Together Building a United Community (TBUC) Strategy':

  1. Our Children and Young People
  2. Our Shared Community
  3. Our Safe Community
  4. Our Cultural Expression

•    TBUC 1: Our Children and Young People
Shared aim: to continue to improve attitudes among our young people and to build a community where they can play a full and active role in building good relations.

•    TBUC 2: Our Shared Community
Shared aim: to create a community where division does not restrict the life opportunities of individuals and where all areas are open and accessible to everyone.

•    TBUC 3: Our Safe Community
Shared aim: to create a community where everyone feels safe in moving around and where life choices are not inhibited by fears around safety.

•    TBUC 4:  Our Cultural Expression
Shared aim: to create a community that promotes mutual respect and understanding, is strengthened by its diversity, and where cultural expression is celebrated and embraced.

Applicants must demonstrate that

  • the application is from a formally governed community/voluntary sector organisation, which includes a community forum, network or similar body
  • the organisation’s governing document is open and accountable
  • the group is based with the Lisburn and Castlereagh area or that the project beneficiaries reside in the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area
  • they will make every effort to increase capacity within their local community, through for example, skills training and volunteering
  • they will forward all supporting documentation requested along with the application. The Council will be unable to award successful applicants without all supporting documentation being received
  • the effectiveness and impact of their project, and adequately show how it will have a positive and measurable impact on the local community
  • the project is not of a commercial nature or organised on a profit / commercial basis
  • the projects administration/equipment costs are proportionate to the overall  programme costs
  • the application is not primarily fundraising for charitable purposes, or deploying potential sources of income to a charity
  • the application is not for a social event that has no community benefit

Other points to note: 

  • the organisation in receipt of a grant must comply with all statutory obligations regarding the delivery of and access to their programme, including council procurement/ Health & Safety/Safeguarding and licensing requirements
  • funding must be spent between the date of the Letter of Offer and 31st March 2025
  • future funding may be withheld if any required closing documentation is still outstanding for previous grants administered by Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, including invoices, receipts, accounts, bank statements and evaluation reports
  • successful applicants in any given year should not presume continued support in subsequent years
  • if more than one group operates within a particular locality, the council would welcome partnership applications, however a lead applicant will need to be identified. Please note in this case the applicant must demonstrate that there is no project duplication
  • applicants can apply to other sources of public support, outside of the council, but must declare this in their application form

Scoring system overview

The applications received will be scored as detailed in the table below.


Section 1 & 2: About your organisation    
All sections must pass to move to Section 3 Pass/Fail  
Section 3, 4, 5 & 6 Maximum weighted score Pass mark to move to next section
Programme details 30 15
Capacity to deliver 20 10
Funding requested 15 8
Outcomes 35 18
Total score 100  
Section 7: Details and declaration Pass/Fail