


Launch date: Friday 17th January 2025
Closing date: Friday 31st January 2025
Project delivery dates: End March 2025


Applications should be completed online and submitted no later than 31st January 2025.

If you require any additional information or assistance please contact 028 9244 7284.

The Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) Strategic Framework was launched by the Executive in September 2024. It intends to bring together a whole society and whole government response to address this issue which impacts the lives of far too many women and girls across our community. At its core the Strategy focuses on prevention—tackling the root causes of violence, abuse, and harm, and stopping it before it starts.
As part of this framework, the Change Fund grants programme will support organisations working to prevent and challenge the attitudes, behaviours, and culture that can lead to violence against women and girls. The Change Fund will launch in Lisburn & Castlereagh on 24 January 2025, with applications open until 21 February 2025. This programme is designed to deliver meaningful and long-term change in local communities. Further information on the Change Fund will be available soon.

To complement the Change Fund and raise awareness of the EVAWG Strategic Framework, Momentum Funding has been provided by The Executive Office to Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council. This funding is specifically aimed at raising awareness of what ending violence against women and girls entails, how communities can contribute to its prevention, and promoting the upcoming Change Fund. Momentum Funding is a one-time opportunity for the current financial year (2024/25), with all projects to be completed by the end of March 2025.

Proposals are invited from community/voluntary, sporting and faith-based organisations to deliver awareness raising and capacity building events that engage grassroots organisations.  A budget of £20,000 is available with individual grants ranging from £1,500 to £5,000.

Who can apply - eligibility

This funding is open to community/voluntary, sporting and faith-based organisations that meet the following criteria:

  1. an open and accountable governing document (Constitution or Articles and Memorandum of Association, or applicable governing document) that has been properly adopted; 
  2. a bank account in the name of the organisation, which requires a minimum of two unrelated members to authorise withdrawals and an annual set of independently examined financial accounts, endorsed at an Annual General Meeting;
  3. a Management Committee or Governing Board, elected by its membership at an Annual General Meeting, and elected office bearers;
  4. based or operating within Lisburn and Castlereagh;
  5. have appropriate Safeguarding Policies for protecting Children and Vulnerable adults, who are involved as part of the group’s programme and any other relevant policies relevant to the groups activities;
  6. Up to £5 million Public Liability Insurance, to cover all risk associated with the activities of the organisation.

Funding criteria

The following is the essential criteria for the “Momentum Funding”:

  • Delivery of a programme of events to grassroots organisations in the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area to raise awareness of:
    • the EVAWG Strategic Framework, its purpose, and key prevention outcomes
    • the Change Fund Grants Programme, including its objectives and upcoming opportunities
    • what violence against women and girls (EVAWG) is, how it manifests, and practical steps to prevent it.

The EVAWG Strategic Framework was launched by the Northern Ireland Executive in September 2024. It focuses on preventing violence, abuse, and harm against women and girls by addressing its root causes. Prevention outcomes within the framework include:

  1. changing attitudes, behaviours, and culture that tolerate or perpetuate violence
  2. promoting healthy and respectful relationships in all aspects of life
  3. ensuring that women and girls feel and are safe everywhere—whether at home, work, or in public spaces

Examples of activities that align with these prevention outcomes could include:

  • awareness campaigns: hosting workshops or creating digital campaigns that educate participants on what constitutes gender-based violence, everyday misogyny, and steps to foster respectful interactions
  • capacity-building events: partnering with organisations like Women’s Aid or PSNI to provide training for community groups on recognising and responding to signs of domestic or sexual violence
  • community discussions: organising open forums or roundtable discussions focussing on the EVAWG Strategic Framework and gather local perspectives on how best to implement prevention measures

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is committed to ensuring this funding effectively raises awareness of EVAWG and builds capacity among community and voluntary organisations. All proposals must clearly demonstrate how they align with these outcomes and contribute to meaningful, local-level impact.

What will we fund?

Expenditure will potentially be considered eligible if clearly demonstrated by applicants that such expenditure will equip community groups with the knowledge and expertise to contribute to preventing violence against women and girls. There must be clear linkage between proposed activities (and associated expenditure) and the EVAWG prevention outcomes: changing attitudes, behaviour and culture; healthy, respectful relations; women and girls feel safe and are safe everywhere. 

Examples of eligible expenditure might include:

  • event costs; 
  • design and publishing; 
  • filming/photography/animations, website and other digital content development (if directly supporting project activities); 
  • marketing and development and/or delivery and/or attendance at relevant training* and resources; 
  • research; 
  • facilitation costs; 
  • counselling and related support services; 
  • small items of equipment (with the cost of such proportionate to the overall grant amount) essential to delivery of the project;
  • development and delivery of relevant performances and creative initiatives. 

* Training must be provided by an accredited/affiliated training provider that specialises within this area of expertise (i.e. Women’s Aid, White Ribbon, Nexus and ONUS) 

The Momentum Funding and EVAWG Change Fund aims to equip community groups to prevent to violence against women and girls by mobilising grassroots action and maximise the impact of community-led initiatives contributing to the Prevention outcomes of the EVAWG Strategic Framework.

What we will not fund

The following cannot be funded:

  • organisations and individuals who would not be considered as CVS organisations are described above. The assessment panel will provide adjudication as required and can apply its discretion in applying additional desirable assessment criteria based on demand 
  • political parties
  • individuals (applications must be from a community/voluntary organisations).
  • staffing/administration costs
  • retrospective expenditure
  • alcohol, balloons and single use plastics
  • the purchase of flags and bunting
  • any other organisation or project proposals that councils and/or TEO deem to be ineligible, including incompatibility with the vision, principles and outcomes of the Strategic Framework for Ending Violence Against Women and Girls; or that support to a project/organisation risks contravening legislative requirements and Executive priorities in respect of employment, health and safety, discrimination, equality of opportunity, and promotion of good relations 

These examples are indicative only and not an exhaustive list. Projects and associated costs/expenditure will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Application process

All funding requests must be completed and returned by email to the address provided on the front of this document before 31st January 2025. The required supporting documentation must accompany the application (unless we have received it in the last 12 months and there have been no changes to it). 

Before applying, please check that:

  • your organisation is eligible to apply;
  • your application meets the priorities of this fund;
  • you have completed every question on your Application Form;
  • you can provide all the information we ask for as part of the application process.

Once your application is received, we will:

  • Complete an Eligibility Check on your application and then assess it against the key themes of the grant, as highlighted in the Programme Criteria section above;
  • Contact you with questions should we need to, so please keep a copy of your Application Form for your reference;
  • Not assess your application if it is incomplete.

If your application is successful, we will:

  • send you a Conditional Offer and our Terms & Conditions of Grant by email for your organisation to sign and return to the Council;
  • clearly indicate the eligible expenditure for the funding offered.
  • request that funding is acknowledged on all related promotional materials associated with the project through the inclusion official logos for:
    • Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council
    • Lisburn & Castlereagh PCSP
    • Northern Ireland Executive
    • Ending Violence Against Women and Girls

If your application is unsuccessful, we will:

  • contact you by email informing you of the reasons why your application has not been successful, for which there is no appeals process. 

Payment of Funding

  • payment will be made to your group’s bank account, via the Bankers Automated Clearance System (BACS) following submission of receipted invoices.

Further information on the EVAWG Strategic Framework please click on the following link:
Strategic Framework – EVAWG