

Hi there!

This information is our Privacy Notice. It tells you how we use your personal information, so you know what happens to it when you or others give it to us.

Sometimes there are links to other pages here – you can ask an adult to help you if it gets confusing!

Who are we?

We are Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, and we offer lots of services to people who live in or visit our area, like the swimming pool or household recycling centres.

Personal information? What’s that?

It’s anything that can identify you. It can be your name or where you live or a photo of you.

For some types of personal information, we must be extra careful with it – this is called ‘sensitive’ information. It could be something like details of an allergy you have or what religion you are.

What personal information do you keep about me?

We keep information such as your name, address, date of birth, email address, GP details and your consent for photos each time we ask for it.

Where do you get it from?

Some of it comes from your family, others or you.

Such as when: 

  • your parents tell us you were born
  • you give it to us, such as for membership of our leisure centres 
  • you use our app’ to book things like swimming or gymnastics  
  • you attend our summer schemes or camps 
  • you enter a competition or event we are having
  • laws make us collect it 

What will you do with my personal information?

We will only use it when we must, in order to:

  • book sports or lessons for you, or when you book using the app
  • use a photo of you at events we have (we may need your permission first)
  • record your birth on our computer information
  • give you your prize if you win a competition or event we have
  • record your attendance at summer schemes and camps
  • investigate any problems on your behalf
  • keep you safe if you are at risk of harm

What about photos or videos?

Sometimes these are taken at our events and can be put on our website or elsewhere. If you don’t want to be in photos or videos, tell someone like a parent or teacher or the person in charge.

Sometimes your photo might be on the video cameras we use called CCTV, though we don’t need your permission for this. You might see these cameras in our buildings and outside spaces. We use these to help keep everyone safe.

So can you use my personal information for anything?

No. There are rules about how we can use it and these are:

  1. you gave your consent – meaning you, your parent or carer said we could use it (your consent can be removed at any time by contacting us)
  2. we have a contract with people and your personal data needs used in it
  3. where we must by law
  4. we need to use it to act in your best interest or to keep you safe
  5. we need it to carry out a task for the public
  6. we have a specific reason for using it and we know it won’t break laws

What can I do about the personal information you have about me?

We must manage it properly by the rules.

These rules give you ‘rights’ to ask us to:

  • give you a copy of your information
  • change your information if it’s wrong or not complete
  • stop using it in some situations
  • delete your information completely
  • transfer it to you or somewhere else

Most of the time your parents and carers will look after your rights until you are 12 or 13 years old.

Can anyone see my personal information?

No. Just because we have it doesn’t mean we can do what we want with it. Sometimes we must ask you first if we can use it and if you say no, then we can’t.

The Council does lots of different work. There are times when the rules say we must use your information to do our work. Where that happens, we can use it without asking you.

We will always keep it safe. It is kept on our computers and sometimes written on paper. Only people we give permission can see it.

Do you share it with anyone else?

Only where we really must. We have a long list of those we could share it with.

If you want, you can see the list on our adults privacy notice.

Do you keep my personal information for a long time?

We only keep it for as long as we need it. Sometimes this might be for years! We must follow rules about how long we keep your personal information. We have a special page that tells you how long we keep it. It’s long as we do lots of different work.

Do I need to do anything?

No. We let your parents and carers know about using your information. Sometimes we need their permission, and they can say no. We tell them why we want it and how it would be used.

Who makes you follow the rules?

We have someone in the council called our Data Protection Officer. Their job is to help protect your information. This means they make sure we follow the rules to keep your data safe and use it properly. If they see something wrong, they tell us and we fix it.

You can ask us if you want to know what personal data we have about you and how we are using it.

To ask us anything or complain:

Telephone: 028 9244 7300


Write to: The Data Protection Office, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, Civic Headquarters, Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn BT27 4RL

There is also a business whose job it is to make sure that all organisations follow the rules when using personal information. You can contact them at the address below if you have any concerns, or ask an adult to help you:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Helpline number: 03031231113