Call for the Expression of Interest for the lease of land at Ashmount Gardens, Lisburn
We are seeking Expressions of Interest from local community organisations for the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) of amenity ground at Ashmount Gardens, Hillhall, Lisburn, to lease and appropriately develop for community use.
The council under the auspices of its Community Plan wants to empower and invest in our local community organisations. We are inviting applications for this CAT from local community organisations.
We anticipate entering into a negotiated rental agreement for the property, which reflects the benefit to the community and also the initial outlay required by the occupier. The annual rental will not include rates or utilities, which will remain with the tenant. The tenant will have responsibility for providing any accommodation necessary for their purpose. The tenant will be required to address all statutory approval requirements through the application for Planning and Building Control consents. The tenant will have the responsibility for all maintenance of all structures including that of the grounds within the leased site.
The lease will include restrictive clauses with regard to advertising and promotion on site.
An outline drawing of the land at Ashmount Gardens this EOI relates to
Opportunities for Social Enterprises
There is an opportunity for local community organisations to demonstrate how they can provide added value to the services currently provided within the area. This could include how they embrace the local community and assist Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council in delivering its Community Plan.
Expressions of interest should be completed and returned electronically by Monday12 May 2025.
Applicants should be aware that this is a two-stage process.
Stage 1 is the submission of an application which will be evaluated against the criteria detailed below.
Stage 2 is a submission of a full business case for those applicants who have scored over 70 points in stage 1.
Guidance on how to complete the form and how the received Expressions of Interest will be assessed
We are seeking expressions of interest from organisations with innovative and inclusive ideas on how best to utilise the newly created space. We welcome submissions that can demonstrate the opportunity for delivering initiatives on the site for the wider Lisburn and Castlereagh community benefit.
Stage two of the process will require successful applicants to prepare a more detailed business case for consideration by the council.
Applicants should consider both the council’s Corporate and Community Plans and should demonstrate how their proposal meets the objectives of both plans when detailing the wider community need.
Applicants should note that the council will not be providing any additional revenue funding.
All sections of the form must be completed and returned by the specified deadline. Any applications returned after the specified deadline or not fully completed will eliminate the submission from the process.
We reserve the right to enter into negotiations with the successful third party or parties before deciding on its preferred course of action.
Project objectives
Community organisations will need to be able to demonstrate how they meet the following objectives.
relevant legal/governance in place
experience of the principles and practice of managing a community centre
based within Lisburn and Castlereagh area
provide up to date independently examined accounts
details of the available funds and the proposed funding strategy
operate on principles that promote community benefit
operate on principles of inclusion and participation. Applicants should provide details of their Equal Opportunities Policy
outcome focussed to include social, economic, community and wellbeing
maintaining and promoting community use
the land being offered for lease is at no detriment to the council or community
Submission of a business case will be the second phase of the process. Applicants will be assessed based on merit against an agreed criteria.