Community Grants
There are a range of grant programmes to support voluntary and community groups that open for applications at various times throughout the year.
Community Bursary Scheme
Our new Community Bursary Scheme is a fund designed to support individuals who live in our area and/or are members of formally governed community and voluntary organisations. It is to help them access routes to community development/education, sports, music, language and/or culture opportunities.
Grants through our Arts Service
Our Arts Service throughout the year offers funding opportunities to support the arts sector in the Lisburn Castlereagh community.
Young Artist of the Year
Our Young Artist of the Year Award is designed to support the development of young local artists aged 16-25 working in any art form. A financial award of up to £1,000 will be made, to one individual artist, to support arts projects, residencies or approved study over and above full-time second or third level education.
Community Festivals Fund
Administered and managed by our Arts Service, the Community Festivals Fund (CFF) was established in recognition of the potential contribution that festivals can make to communities, the local economy and wider government priorities.
- aims to support the development and capacity of locally run festivals by providing support and training to make them less reliant on public funding in addition to offering funding towards the costs of events
- enable community organisations to celebrate their cultural identity and strengthen community relations while promoting equality and targeting poverty and social inclusion
Arts Organisations
Our Arts Grants Scheme for Arts Organisations has been designed to support both the amateur and professional arts sector in the delivery of arts events, projects or activities, which take place in the council area through the provision of direct grants.
Individual artists
Our Individual Artist Arts Grants Scheme has been designed to support the amateur and professional arts sector in the delivery of arts events, projects or activities through the provision of direct grants.
Making Arts in the Community
Our Making Art in Communities (MAC) Arts Grants Scheme has been designed to support community groups in the delivery of arts events, projects or activities, which take place in our area through the provision of direct grants.
Arts Bursaries
Tyrone Guthrie Centre Bursary
This is a one-week residency for practitioners in all art forms who are based in our area. The aim of the bursary is to assist and encourage both established and emerging practitioners.
John Hewitt International Summer School Residency Award
The John Hewitt Society provides opportunities for individuals across Northern Ireland to explore issues of difference and identity through literature and creative writing.
Community Support Grant
This grant is designed to support the local community and voluntary sector. It:
- opens in November/December each year and offers grants between £2,500 - £5,500 to successful applicants
- helps build capacity and develop skills within local organisations to deliver services based on need in local communities
DIY & Technical Assistance Community Fund
The DIY & Technical Assistance Community Fund enables local groups to refresh, refurbish or make general improvements to existing community facilities and/or commission professional/technical assistance to explore the potential of expansion and/or upgrades to facilities.
This grant is currently closed.
Community Investment Fund
The capital fund forms part of the Connect – Invest – Transform Investment Plan. It aims to support community, sporting and interest groups to progress a capital project that meets community needs whilst aligning with the principles in the our plans.
Community and voluntary organisations in the Lisburn and Castlereagh area can apply for a grant of up to £350,000 from this capital funding stream.
An application can be submitted for an amount between £150,000 and £350,000 although match funding of no less than 50% must also be secured for the capital project in question.
This grant is currently closed.
Community Facilities Fund
We have opened the third round of our Community Facilities Fund. It aims to improve, upgrade or refurbish community facilities to offer activities and services to increase community engagement across the area.
There will be a total of £60,000 available for each of the seven District Electoral Areas across Lisburn and Castlereagh.
Organisations can apply for funding between £5,000 and £15,000 to support minor capital works, repairs and/or implementation of digital solutions at their community facilities. Groups who were successful in receiving funding from this scheme in 2021 and 2023 are not eligible to apply.
Good Relations Grants
This grant supports community relations and cultural diversity projects. It:
- is open to community/voluntary groups who are engaged in the delivery of programmes/initiatives which focus on reconciliation and cultural diversity
- aims to promote good relations between people of different religious and political beliefs and different racial groups
Seeding Grants
Seeding Grants of £200 are available for newly formed community / voluntary groups or groups operating for less than 1 year.
- applicants can apply for a Seeding Grant to assist with their set up, programme and running costs
- applicants must meet the criteria of the grant scheme, which mirrors the criteria for the Community Support Grant
For more information email:
Christmas Switch On Grants
We recognise importance of locally organised community events to help develop strong, united and connected communities. This grant helps support local groups to develop and deliver celebratory ‘switch on’ events to mark the beginning of the Christmas season.
It is:
- part of a programme delivered through a three year funding agreement (2022-2024)
- we partner with a community partner(s), for each of the 20 sites we identify as key to helping friends, families and neighbours come together and share the excitement, fun and joy associated with the festive season