Section 1: Applicant details
Please ensure the accuracy of the contact details for the contact person. If the contact person changes during the application process or you know the contact person will not be contactable during that period, you must provide us with an alternative contact person. In the event that we need to seek clarification on your application we will contact both persons named but if we cannot make contact with either person, your application will be rejected.
The organisation name on the application form must be exactly the same as the name on the constitution you will provide.
Section 2: Applicant Experience
Please complete this section by letting the council know how many years relevant experience the organisation has in the management of events. Events in their first year will receive a higher level of funding than those which have been established for many years.
We need to be confident your group will be able to deliver the proposed project. Please tell us if:
- your group has delivered such a project before and how often
- you have members on your committee or in your group who have specific skills and experience of managing and delivering projects, even if your group has not delivered such a project in the past
- you plan to seek advice and support from outside your organisation to help deliver the project
- your group has experience of managing grants before of a similar size
A link to the Tourism Strategy is available under the council priorities section (linked above). You need to tell us which priorities your event contributes to and describe how your event helps deliver these. Please do not just list the council priorities. If you fail to describe how your project meets specific priorities it is unlikely to be funded.
You should assume the officers assessing your application know nothing about your event and therefore how it will meet the programme objectives.
Section 3: Event background
Evidence of need: how do you know your project is needed?
- Are there published statistics which show a need?
Have you carried out any market research/held a focus group and what evidence did this produce?
Have you run this event before and each time attendance has increased?
- Officers will use your answer here when assessing the need for the project. In addition, officers will also assess whether there is a financial need for funding based on information given elsewhere in the application form or supporting documents.
Section 4: Marketing
Please tell us in this section how you propose to market the event, which channels you will use and why. Also include how the council can be branded/promoted at the event or in any pre-event promotional material or events.
Who the event is targeted at and an estimate of how much you will spend on this and a breakdown of costs.
Failure to enclose a full Marketing/PR Plan for the event will result in your application being rejected.
Section 5: Finance
Detail all the costs of your event and how much funding you are applying for:
- indicate the amount of funding you require (this must not exceed the maximum and should be the minimum amount necessary to make your event happen). It should be noted that the council may choose to fund less than you request
- be as specific as possible and detail all costs associated with the event
- ensure your costings are realistic – get quotes and do not guess amounts
- detail each specific cost on a separate line. Rather than writing in one line ‘Family fun day’ you must detail the specific costs of the family fun day each on a separate line (eg bouncy castles [line 1], toilet hire [line 2], first aid cover [line 3], advertising [line 4]) giving a cost for each separate item
- if you are not requesting for 100% of the gap fund, we need to know where you are planning to get the balance of the money from. This could be from another funder or from your own funds. Only financial shortfalls will be considered, not in-profit events.
- you must declare if you are planning to charge an entry fee for the event, how much this will be and the total predicted income
- the amount of funding will be reduced the longer the event has been running
- please note: you can only avail of a grant from one council department in each financial year
Section 6: Economic impact of the event
This section should provide sufficient detail to enable council officers to understand how the event will impact the economy. Therefore we require you to tell us how many participants and spectators you expect. Also give details of any expenditure in relation to the event.
How many bed nights are anticipated? We are trying to understand the economic benefit of your event to the council area eg if 100 people stay over in the council area for 1 night that equates to 100 bed nights, if 100 people stay over for 3 nights, that equates to 300 bed nights.
Please note: all reasonable endeavours should be made to conduct event related activities inside the Lisburn Castlereagh City Council area. i.e. accommodation and formal dinners etc required by officials and/or staff of the event.
Section 7: Event management
Your organisation must confirm the list of statements detailed in this question by circling yes or no for each. All statements must be answered to be able to submit an application. We will no longer ask you for any evidences of these by default but council may choose to spot check these and reserves the right to withhold grant should any declaration prove to be inaccurate or the documents are not available.
Section 8: Declaration
It is important that you read this section very carefully before you sign. Online applicants will be asked to agree the declaration on behalf of the organisation. Please ensure you give your name, position in the organisation and date signed.