
Overall information

Overall turnout statistics

District Electoral Area Eligible electorate  Total votes polled Percentage turnout
Castlereagh East          18,691       10,280     56.73 per cent
Castlereagh South     16,289       7,957       48.85 per cent
Downshire East 12,763 6,914  54.17 per cent
Downshire West 13,284 7,251  54.58 per cent
Killultagh 15,956 8,449  52.95 per cent
Lisburn North 16,680 8,533  51.16 per cent
Lisburn South 16,838 7,595  45.10 per cent
Total 110,501 56,979 51.93 per cent (average)



The count took place on Friday 19 and into early Saturday 20 May. 

You can download the full results of the Lisburn and Castlereagh Local Government Election 

Results by party

Party Number of elected candidates
Democratic Unionist Party - D.U.P.   14
Alliance Party 13
Ulster Unionist Party - UUP  6
Sinn Féin     4
Social Democratic and Labour Party - SDLP     2
Independent   1
Total 40


You can view the results for each District Electoral Area using the relevant links above.


Castlereagh South

Castlereagh South is made up of seven wards:

  • Beechill
  • Cairnshill
  • Carryduff East
  • Carryduff West
  • Galwally
  • Knockbracken
  • Newtownbreda

Castlereagh South turnout

Number of candidates elected: 7
Eligible electorate: 18,120
Total votes polled:  10,280
Percentage turnout: 56.73%
Valid votes:  10,185
Invalid votes: 95

Electoral quota: 1,274


The following elected members were deemed elected:

Name Party
Michelle Guy   APNI
Brian Higginson   DUP
Nancy Eaton  APNI
Ryan Carlin  Sinn Fein
John Gallen   SDLP
Daniel Bassett  Sinn Fein
Martin McKeever APNI


You can view the count information using the links below:

Full count figures for Castlereagh South DEA (Excel)

Declaration of results for Castlereagh South DEA (PDF)

Castlereagh East

Castlereagh East is made up of six wards:

  • Ballyhanwood
  • Carrowreagh
  • Dundonald
  • Enler
  • Graham’s Bridge
  • Moneyreagh

Castlereagh East turnout

Number of candidates elected: 6
Eligible electorate: 16,289
Total votes polled:  7,957
Percentage turnout: 48.85%
Valid votes:  7,867
Invalid votes: 90

Electoral quota: 1,124


The following elected members were deemed elected:

Name Party
Sharon Skillen  DUP
Martin Gregg  APNI
Samantha Burns DUP
Sharon Lowry APNI
John Laverty DUP
Hazel Legge   UUP


You can view the count information using the links below:

Full count figures for Castlereagh East DEA (Excel)

Declaration of results for Castlereagh East DEA (PDF)

Downshire East

Downshire East is made up of five wards:

  • Ballymacbrennan
  • Dromara
  • Drumbo
  • Hillhall
  • Ravernet

Downshire East turnout

Number of candidates elected: 5
Eligible electorate: 12,763
Total votes polled:  6,914
Percentage turnout: 54.17%
Valid votes:  6,852
Invalid votes: 62

Electoral quota: 1,143


The following elected members were deemed elected:

Name Party
Andrew Gowan DUP
Uel Mackin DUP
Kurtis Dickson APNI
Aaron McIntyre APNI
James Baird UUP


You can view the count information using the links below:

Full count figures for Downshire East DEA (Excel)

Declaration of results for Downshire East DEA (PDF)

Downshire West

Downshire West is made up of five wards:

  • Blaris
  • Hillsborough
  • Lagan
  • Maze
  • Moira

Downshire West turnout

Number of candidates elected: 5
Eligible electorate: 13,284
Total votes polled:  7,251
Percentage turnout: 54.58%
Valid votes:  7,179
Invalid votes: 72

Electoral quota: 1,197


The following elected members were deemed elected:

Name Party
Owen Gawith APNI
Gretta Thompson APNI
Alan Martin UUP
Caleb McCready DUP
Alan Ewart (MBE) DUP


You can view the count information using the links below:

Full count figures for Downshire West DEA (Excel)

Declaration of results for Downshire West DEA (PDF)


Killultagh is made up of five wards:

  • Ballinderry
  • Glenavy
  • Maghaberry
  • Stoneyford
  • White Mountain

Killultagh turnout

Number of candidates elected: 5
Eligible electorate: 15,956
Total votes polled:  8,449
Percentage turnout: 52.95%
Valid votes:  8,381
Invalid votes: 68

Electoral quota: 1,397


The following elected members were deemed elected:

Name Party
Gary McCleave Sinn Fein
Claire Kemp APNI
Thomas Beckett DUP
James Tinsley DUP
Ross McLernon UUP


You can view the count information using the links below:

Full count figures for Killultagh DEA (Excel)

Declaration of results for Killultagh DEA (PDF)

Lisburn North

Lisburn North is made up of six wards:

  • Derriaghy
  • Harmony Hill
  • Hilden
  • Lambeg
  • Magheralave
  • Wallace Park


Lisburn North turnout

Number of candidates elected: 6
Eligible electorate: 16,680
Total votes polled:  8,533
Percentage turnout: 51.16%
Valid votes:  8,444
Invalid votes: 89

Electoral quota: 1,207


The following elected members were deemed elected:

Name Party
Paul Burke Sinn Fein
Jonathan Craig DUP
Nicola Parker APNI
Pat Catney SDLP
Nicholas Trimble UUP
Gary Hynds Independent


You can view the count information using the links below:

Full count figures for Lisburn North DEA (Excel)

Declaration of results for Lisburn North DEA (PDF)

Lisburn South

Lisburn South is made up of six wards:

  • Ballymacash
  • Ballymacoss
  • Knockmore
  • Lagan Valley
  • Lisnagarvey
  • Old Warren

Lisburn South turnout

Number of candidates elected: 6
Eligible electorate: 16,838
Total votes polled:  7,595
Percentage turnout:  45.10%
Valid votes:  7,496
Invalid votes: 99

Electoral quota: 1,071


The following elected members were deemed elected:

Name Party
Andrew Ewing DUP
Amanda Grehan APNI
Alan Givan DUP
Peter Kennedy APNI
Tim Mitchell UUP
Paul Porter DUP


You can view the count information using the links below:

Full count figures for Lisburn South DEA (Excel)

Declaration of results for Lisburn South DEA (PDF)

Election costs – Local Council Elections – 18 May 2023

Deputy Returning Officer’s fees for conducting the election (inclusive of Travelling Expenses) £
Deputy Returning Officer’s fees (excluding ERNIC and Superannuation)     5,190
Assistant Deputy Returning Officer(s) inclusive of travelling expenses (excluding ERNIC and Superannuation)     5,190
Staff Costs (inclusive of Travelling Expenses) 208,002.46
Staff Costs Total excluding DRO Fee 202,812.46
Administration costs (exclusive of Vat, if reclaimed)  
Insurance cover (against claims in respect of injury or damage to personal property)  
Advertising 2,385.76
Stationery and printing 40,752.82
Postage (poll cards, proxy poll cards, postal votes, staffing, other) 73,663.09
Use of premises     25,971.05
Transportation 11,873
Equipment 25,292
Materials for verification and count  
Administration costs total 179,937.72
SUBTOTAL 382,750.18
Postage (exclusive of Vat, if reclaimed)  
Candidates’ election addresses 119,958.33
Candidates' election postage costs total 119,958.33
GRAND TOTAL 507,898.51