Interim Corporate Plan 2021-24
Interim Corporate Plan 2021-24
INTERIM Corporate Plan 2021-24
Publication date: 23 September 2021
Date range: 23 September 2021 to April 2024
Download the document as a PDF
Outcomes of the interim Corporate Plan as a PDF
It has been a difficult two years for most people living in and coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. It has also been the most challenging of time for government.
As well as the difficulties and restraints placed on each of us, money remains tight for individuals, families and public services. Given these and other challenges we are confident now is the time for Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council to take a strong lead, to build on the strategic potential of our area and seize the opportunities available to meet and exceed the expectations of our community.
We will build on the many reasons to live, work, visit and invest here – the quality of life, our infrastructure, our schools and hospitals. We have a skilled workforce and low domestic and business rates making us an attractive area for continued growth.
Our location makes us:
- the ideal place for businesses looking to access national and international markets due to our excellent road, rail and air links
- the ideal place for families to live, work and play
We welcome activities and sectors continuing to open up and presenting a brighter future on the horizon.
We have a vision for our area to create opportunities for strong, healthy communities and business growth. This plan dovetails with our Community Plan, our Local Development Plan and our Performance Improvement Plan, all of which will help us deliver our vision.
Whilst, one of the most prosperous council areas, we also have citizens in need and we will work with partners to ensure their needs are met. Our success will create new opportunities for individuals, families and communities.
The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Alderman Stephen Martin and Chief Executive David Burns will ensure that our corporate plan supports the Programme for Government.
Both documents are aimed at improving wellbeing for all - by tackling disadvantage and driving economic growth.
The theme for Mayor Martin’s year (2021/22) is ‘joining the dots’ and making a better life for young people. As a council we will endeavour to continue to support our young people and give them a voice through the Lisburn Castlereagh Youth Council.
Connections with our residents are important as are connections with neighbouring councils and transport hubs. We are committed to playing a leading part in supporting regional priorities such as those in the Regional Development Strategy. The successful delivery of this Interim Corporate Plan will serve to improve the prosperity and wellbeing of the whole council area.
It provides a focus for staff, elected members and partners to make connections and coordinate our efforts to deliver better lives for all. Through partnership working we can address issues across our wide range of responsibilities. We are also embarking on a programme of internal transformation to meet the challenges ahead.
In all that we do we will be guided by our values of respect, honesty, excellence, accountability, leadership and equality.
Our current plan
At the time of developing the plan, no one could have predicted a global pandemic and foreseen the impact of COVID-19 which has acted as a ‘disrupter’ to how we live, work and play.
The last twelve months have been particularly challenging for our communities. We are proud of how our staff and communities have shown great resilience, flexibility and commitment to our citizens and council area.
Our objective of being a creative, connected and growing city still holds. However, we recognise the original pathway to achieving these goals has changed but we still intend to improve the quality of people’s lives through partnership working.
This pandemic has provided an opportunity for us all to pause and reflect on our Corporate Plan. We know there are some key areas we need to progress which will best support our community over the next few years.
It is also an opportune time for the council to consider and consult on the longer-term approaches of how we develop the best outcomes for our citizens and visitors to the council area. As a result, this interim Corporate Plan focuses on recovery and reprioritisation of our identified objectives. It takes account of lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic and informal feedback provided from our wide range of stakeholders.
Our citizens will see an enhanced community focus and engagement with achievable benefits. This is YOUR council and we will continue to engage with you, for you.
We will continue to invest across our seven district electoral areas through our community investment plans and our ambitious capital programme. Together we can deliver the best outcomes within agreed budgets.
For our businesses we know this will undoubtedly be a time of ongoing response to, and recovery from, the COVID-19 pandemic. The council will continue to focus on assisting and supporting business recovery across all sectors.
This document sets out how we aim to progress over the next three years against the key themes set out in the Corporate Plan.
Key Theme | Outcome |
1. Leading Well | Our community has confidence in civic leadership. |
2. Our Economy | We benefit from a growing and vibrant economy. |
3. Health and Wellbeing | We live healthier, more fulfilling and longer lives. |
4. Where we live | We live in resilient and environmentally friendly places. |
5. Our Community | We live in confident, harmonious, safe and welcoming communities. |
Theme 1: Leading Well
We aim to develop the community’s confidence in civic leadership by:
1.1 Continuing the drive towards digitalisation of services to enhance the customer journey
1.2 Providing continued financial management and probity
1.3 Promoting and embedding a green growth agenda across our area
How we will measure success:
- progress (including establishment of a baseline) of our Digital Strategy including improved customer service and more efficient IT systems within specific services, ensuring consideration is taken of the whole community and customer base to ensure “no-one is left behind”
- agreed budget estimates and have a clean, unqualified audit opinion
- reviewed and implemented procurement and contract management arrangements
- implementation of the Environmental and Sustainability Policy, including matters such as captured carbon savings and in the provision of electric vehicle charging points
Theme 2: Our Economy
We aim to have our community benefit from a growing and vibrant economy by:
2.1 Supporting businesses to recover from COVID-19
2.2 Maximising opportunities arising from the post-Brexit economy
2.3 Maximising income through targeted asset management
2.4 Implementation of the Workforce Strategy and Labour Market Development
2.5 Supporting West Lisburn investment
How we will measure success:
- number of jobs promoted through business start-up activity
- asset strategy refreshed to successfully let and maximise income from our assets
- apprenticeship programmes Implemented
- construction of Dundonald International Ice Bowl commenced
- improvement to broadband infrastructure at council, residential and business sites
- construction of the Knockmore Link Road commenced and the potential for development of 70,000 square metres of employment floor space at West Lisburn created
- number of strategic partnerships that leverage resources
Theme 3: Health and Wellbeing
We aim to help our citizens live healthier, more fulfilling and longer lives by:
3.1 Implementing agreed actions within the capital and investment programmes
3.2 Continued investment in the working environment for our staff
3.3 Continuing to focus on mental and physical wellbeing post-COVID
3.4 Developing further the Vitality Household Membership and associated programmes
How we will measure success:
- achieve the milestones detailed within our capital and investment programme
- delivery against an Open Spaces Strategy
- establishment and progress against targets measuring mental and physical wellbeing.
- engagements with the Lisburn Castlereagh Youth Council to build up capacity and involvement of young people
- support the youth council to consider facilities and environmental improvements for the teenage population
- growth in Vitality Membership against March 2021 baseline
- independent research into the impact of Vitality Membership on members’ physical and mental wellbeing
Theme 4: Where We Live
We aim to help our citizens live in resilient and environmentally friendly places by:
4.1 Delivering a programme of environmental improvements across our DEAs
4.2 Providing opportunities for active participation in community and civic led events
4.3 Creating and investing in proposals to improve public realm in our towns
How we will measure success:
- number of people visiting our parks and open spaces
- securing external funding through the Belfast Region City Deal for significant investment in Hillsborough
- evidence of the benefits of environmental improvements
- number of people engaged in council programmes, such as NI Centenary and Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, etc
- tracking the average House Price for the LCCC area in comparison to NI average
- meeting the published timetable for delivering the draft Plan Strategy stage of the Local Development Plan and commence work on the Local Policies Plan
- new build housing completions monitored against existing land supply
- implementation of an affordable housing policy by delivering the draft plan strategy stage of the Local Development Plan
Theme 5: Our Community
We aim to help our community live in confident, harmonious, safe and welcoming communities by:
5.1 Reaching a firm conclusion on the preferred kerbside and associated waste models so as to reduce reliance on landfill
5.2 Developing the provision of cemetery space
5.3 Building on the success of community engagement, launch a number of community focused grant schemes
5.4 Enabling our citizens to influence decision making through community based initiatives
5.5 Increasing transparency in our decision making processes
How we will measure success:
- conclusion and commitment reached on the best kerbside model for collection, treatment and disposal of household waste through the review of the existing pilot
- additional cemetery space delivered
- uptake of community focused grant schemes across all DEA’s
- completion of community planning led review of community engagement processes
- improvements to our governance processes, including new policy and policy reviews, revised accounting manual in place